Custom control panels and machines

Automatic machines tailored to your production process

Customization and cooperation are very important to us. Every manufacturing company has its own way of working. There is no standard solution. That's why at Promation we design your machines for industrial automation and the control panels exactly the way you want them.

Every panel and machine starts from a blank sheet. We build everything from scratch. That is our guarantee of unique machines tailored to your production process.

This is how we design your machines and control panels

Creating the future together. Together with you, we will do a comprehensive analysis. What are your wishes? What do you expect from your machine? That could be anything.

  • You want to be able to control what the cameras monitor.
  • You want to be able to switch to a different size of boxes at the push of a button.
  • You want to be able to adjust the speed of conveyors.
  • ...

Every machine and every control panel meets our requirements and your needs. Thus, together we create an optimized production process.

3D design of machines and control panels

After our analysis, we get to work on the design. We draw your machine and control panels completely to size. We also always make a 3D design of your machines. This way, you can see your machine from all sides with VR glasses.

You can also view your control box all the way in 3D. After all, your control box is the heart of your machine that makes sure your machine works optimally.

The 3D model is also useful for us to be able to check everything in detail. This allows us to detect possible errors right away.

User-friendly control panels and machines

Safety is important, but there are many other factors we consider.

  • Ease of use: we custom-build each machine and each control panel in an uncluttered way. You have to be able to work intuitively and easily.
  • Cooled: we equip your machine with the proper cooling. That way the controller never gets too hot.
  • Avoiding errors: we provide clear error messages, a clear diagram of sensors and the ability to enter your own parameters.

So you have a machine and control panel completely tailored to your industrial automation.

Other expertise within automatisation

Cabinet Building

We develop complete Control cabinets for both new and older machines.

Creating the future together.

Interested in optimizing your production process with us?

Make a no-obligation appointment to discuss your needs and expectations. The experts at Promation will always provide you with honest advice.